Rock Island County Soil and Water Conservation District Spring 2021 Newsletter
Hauberg Estate Pond Restoration Project
Rock Island County Soil and Water Conservation District Spring 2021 NewsletterITogether, these groups are bringing back the features that mitigate runoff to the Broadway neighborhood on 21st, 22nd, and 23rd streets north of the estate. This restoration/runoff mitigation project will restore the original landscaping at a cost of about $35,000. RISWCD provided cost-share funding through Illinois’ Partners for Conservation fund for the construction and installation of the rain gardens and basins. This project will create a landscape that is over 90% native plants, trees, and shrubs. In addition, it includes a spring and series of five ponds/rain gardens that will regulate runoff down the hillside of the estate. The construction portion on the lower 3 basins is complete and over 1,000 native plants will be added in the spring of 2021. Once completed, the City of Rock Island will be able to identify any additional runoff problems in the neighborhood. While this project will not solve all the stormwater issues, it will help the entire Broadway neighborhood and improve the Hauberg Estate, mansion and gardens; a beautiful historic cultural amenity in the Quad Cities and one of Jensen’s few remaining sites in the U.S.