Plants, Paths & Pizza!
Spend an evening in nature with the WIU Counselor Education Department and Wild Ones at the Hauberg Estate. Keynote Speaker, expert panel on local efforts to create sustainable environments, free classes, vendors, tour the Hauberg Estate, discover eco-art. Relax with therapy dogs, enjoy pizza and dessert. Cash bar and door prizes Mark your calendars and join us at this interesting and fun event.

Springing the Spirits — A paranormal investigation by Friends of Hauberg Foundation and Whispering Souls Paranormal Investigations. Learn about some of the haunted history and experiences encountered at the Hauberg Estat. Tools and techniques used in an actual investigation will also be discussed. Ryan Sumpter, a local psychic medium and Tarot reader will be available for readings at an additional cost. Tickets are $40.00 per person available on Humanitix. Your ticket gets you into the investigation and includes the Taco Bar. Cash Bar available.

Hauberg History Series
The Other Side: Haunted History of Scott & Rock Island Counties. Join us Thursday, March 20th for the March History Series. Presenter, Peg Rounds, from Whispering Souls Paranormal Investigations as she discusses some history and experiences. Doors open at 6:30pm with the program beginning at 7pm. Admission is $5.00 cash at the door, or free is you are a current member of the Friends of Hauberg Foundation.